/*** DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ----------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.0.0 Intro Description ================= fwlgraph -- Generates graph of the residuals of y against residuals of x after regressing on controls. Illustrates the relationship between y and x after partialling out the controls to visualize the marginal effect. Author(s) ================= Tim Foreman Columbia University Syntax ================= {opt fwlgraph} {depvar} {indepvar} [{control vars}] [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {synoptset 20 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synoptline} ----------------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ***/ program fwlgraph version 12 syntax varlist(fv) , [graphname(string)] token `varlist' local yvar="`1'" local xvar="`2'" local k=1 while "``k''"!="" { local ++k } local --k local i=3 local controls="" while `i'<=`k' { if substr("``i''",1,2)=="i." { local factors="`factors' "+substr("``i''",3,.) local ifactors="`ifactors' "+"``i''" local ++i } else { local controls="`controls' "+"``i''" local ++i } } capture drop yres xres quietly reg `yvar' `controls' `ifactors' predict yres, resid quietly reg `xvar' `controls' `ifactors' predict xres, resid reg yres xres scatter yres xres, msize(tiny) end